Blanche Ely High School

Blanche Ely High School is a public school located in Pompano Beach. Florida that was identified as in need of upgrades by the GOB Smart program of the Broward County Public School System.

It is one of three original high schools for colored children operated by Broward County and has undergone continuous expansion and improvement since opening in 1951 as “Pompano Beach Negro High School”.  

Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners was selected by the district to perform the fundamental building improvements and renovate spaces for new STEM Labs in 2016.

The scope included;

  • Campus wide re-roofing and substrate repair
  • Select new electrical, mechanical and life safety systems
  • Construction of a new outdoor dining area for students
  • Select public area improvements
  • Select classroom renovation for new STEM Labs identified by school staff

WA utilized the districts inventory of school deficiencies and extensive field verification to generate the contract document package for a CM at Risk project. Mr. Bounds served as the Project Architect, performing the field verification, meeting with key stakeholders to identify the improvements and attending bi-weekly OAC meetings with all parties to monitor construction and budget along with the districts project management company.

The project is ongoing with an expected completion date of late 2020 / early 2021.


1201 NW 6th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33060


$ 12Million+

Market Sector:
