The Reach Resort is the Casa Marina’s sister resort and is located a block to the west. The property was acquired by a private equity firm and was designated to be re-branded as a Waldorf Astoria flagged property. Know for it’s iconic over-water pavilion and for possessing one of the largest stretches of private beach on the island (second only to it’s sister property), the resort had none the less been allowed to deteriorate significantly under previous ownership.
The MEP systems where under provisioned for the property and suffering from deterioration in the tropical environment. The post-tension slabs had severe spauling and catastrophic failures in several location, requiring areas of the property to be removed from service for safety. Most important to the client the rooms had become dated and where no longer regarded as attractive in the market.
The city and client had little in the way of existing condition information, and Bryce lead the team of employee’s and interns in creating the full measured drawing as-built set that served as the base for the new design drawings. As the firms on-site representative Bryce also attended all meetings with MEP and Structural consultants reviewing the required repairs to report to the firm principals. Bryce was also responsible during the production phase for assembling the sets for principal review and redline.
1435 Simonton Street,Key West, Florida, 33040
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